回復期の精神障害者に対する園芸活動の効果 ー活動実施前後における実施者および対象者の生理・心理的効果ー
Effects of Horticultural Activities for People with Psychiatric Disorders in Recovery -Changes in Psychological and Physiological volunteers and people with psychiatric disorders of the Activities Carried out before and after-
ホスピス・緩和ケア病棟における園芸活動の現状 -園芸療法導入への課題ー
Current State of Horticultural Activity at Hospice and Palliative Care Unit -Tasks in Introducing the Horticultural Therapy
Using Horticultural Activity for Establishing Rapport between a Disabled Child and Horticultural Therapy Student
Classification of Assumed Squat Positions to Care for Horticultural Plants at a Low Level
The consciousness transformation mainly on the self-esteem of the junior high school student by the gardening activity